
For women who Rock their Role in work and life

Archive for the tag “employees”

Small business can be beautiful

I am one of the Sage business experts, and they have produced a fantastic infographic on small business growth in the UK.

From Sage

From Sage

I applaud the many women who starting or already running micro-businessses, often with little resources to get them started.

I often hear women downplay their endeavours, particularly when they compare themselves to the big guns they feel that they are not making a significant contribution.

This infographic however shows that the startling figure that 99.9% of all UK enterprises are SME’s and 3 in 4 businesses have just 1 employee.

So if you are plugging away at your small business, remember you are not alone

Think about:

  • Collaborating on joint ventures
  • Promoting complimentary services
  • Or just finding ways to help your fellow micro-businesses

Together you can be powerful!!

…and maybe think about creating a Jelly to ease the isolation you might be experiencing

I am Jenny Garrett, Executive Coach, founder of Reflexion Associates, a leadership and coaching consultancy and author or Rocking Your Role – the how to guide to success for female breadwinners. Find out more about me, my programmes, speaking engagements and training at and sign up for my newsletter

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